I sincerely hopes that this GIF does as it is supposed to, it is frozen in one spot on my current screen but hopefully it moves on all of yours, if not feel free to look at it here: https://giphy.com/gifs/rqb0cDzhi7izS/ . This assignment called for us to take a home video of ours and turn it into a GIF. A majority of my videos I could not use as my roommate said explicitly that no one is ever to see them, so I chose this one of my parents. I took a snapchat video of them dancing to bluegrass music during our last trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. I thought it was a very cute moment of the two, especially since my dad does not dance. As this was supposed to be a home video I thought using the snapchat I had taken would be perfect. I used giphy.com again to create my GIF, though if I discover that it will no longer work for these projects I will be finding somewhere else to create GIFs. I thought this was a very cute and fun project I enjoyed doing.
Works fine for me in Chrome today. One “problem” with animated GIFs in WP involves resizing. I learned earlier this week that if you resize an animated GIF using the WP “size” options when inserting an image into a page/post, it turns it into a static GIF.
That may have been the issue. Or it could simply have been a preview glitch of some sort.
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